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In continuing with its belief and mission to benefit all children in our community, the Scituate CORSE Foundation is pleased to provide this program for siblings of children with special needs. This is an opportunity for the participants to discuss common issues particular to being a sibling of someone with special needs, followed by lunch and an exciting and fun field trip opportunity for the group to enjoy.


Topics discussed will include: what it is like to have a special needs sibling; how to talk about their sibling with friends; how to handle the strong emotions involved; helpful books and resources. Given the varied age range, the students may break out into age appropriate groupings and discussions.


Primary Instructor(s): Linda Nathan (Social Worker) and Nina Riley (Guidance Counselor)

Dates: Saturdays November 23, January 11, March 21 and May 2 

Location/Fee: Pick up & Drop Off at Scituate High School, $40

Register by clicking here 


Please click on the following links to access key information for this program:



Scituate C.O.R.S.E. Foundation       |  P.O. Box 512, North Scituate, MA 02060    |     781-378-1916     |

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